Benefits From Predictive Maintenance
Reduced Maintenance Expense
Increased Production Uptime
Increased Product Quality
Increased Operator Safety
Advantages of Contracting Your PDM Program
No Equipment Expense
Beyond the initial cost of the necesarry hardware and software are the ongoing maintenance
and calibration expenses. IVC has it's data collectors calibrated annually.
No Training Expense
It takes about two years to train someone to be able to maintain a database, work with
route data collection and have a basic understanding of vibration analysis. The "free" class that comes with
an equipment purchase deals mainly with how to operate the equipment -- as it should. Database management and vibration
analysis require more training. If, during this two year period, a person gets promoted to another department or
quits you have to start all over. IVC has over twenty years of experience in building/maintaining databases, and collecting/analyzing
route data.